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2020 Reflections

Writer: Eunique WilliamsEunique Williams

What a year it has been. I never thought that we would be at this point, still in a pandemic. However, the many devastating events this year have really taught me a lot.

Take care of yourself. I don't know about you, but I have had to do this more than ever. Not only has my body been experiencing a lot of stress and pain, but I have come to the point where I have to incorporate healthy practices in my daily life in order to sustain my health and manage my chronic pain (massages, chiropractic adjustments, eating nourishing foods, etc.). Be mindful and assess what your body needs.

Keep your vibrations high. A lot of the times we hear someone say that they love "good vibes" or don't want any "bad/negative energy" around them. All of this is really saying the same thing and shows a person's desire to vibrate higher. Listen to your intuition. Follow what your mind is telling you and create a safe space for yourself to recharge. If you are surrounding yourself with individuals who vibrate low or have negative energy, then it's best to remove yourself to keep as many good vibes around you as possible.

Spend time alone. I don't think there is any other year than 2020 where I have done this the most. Not only because I was stuck quarantining with family, but even as the world opened back up, I still choose to do a lot of things alone. Whether it be sitting in my room alone with my thoughts distraction-free, or taking myself to get lunch alone and enjoying my own company. Throughout this journey of self-love, healing, and discovery, taking time for yourself is essential to this process. Take that walk alone, do that meditation. Whatever it may look like for you, do it.

Reflection. Just as the title of this blog is about 2020 Reflections, I want to encourage you to reflect more. I used to think the idea of journaling in a notebook or diary was silly. However, when I started going through some personal struggles in September, I really felt the need to pour out those feelings onto paper. For the last 3 months, I have been documenting how I'm feeling at least a few times a week or every other day. I feel that it's necessary and I have even seen the progress and improvement in my thought patterns and behaviors just through reflection.

Therapy. Not everyone has access to counseling/ therapy, unfortunately. But, it is a great resource to start on your self-work journey if you can. I started therapy back in September (as I mentioned earlier was a time that was really hard for me) and I liked my therapist but didn't feel like they were the one for me. I had to learn that it is a normal part of this process and that you should take the time out to see if a certain therapist is a good fit for you. I've suffered from depression and anxiety which seem to be extremely heightened this year, however, I see the small improvements. Even if it's a simple change in how I observe my thoughts rather than wrestling with them.

Get your body moving. I still struggle with this one but I've learned the hard way. Due to my chronic back pain from automobile accident injuries combined with my weight, I have had to find solutions during this time. I'm seeing small improvements but healing, especially physically, does not occur overnight. I was super happy to get back to the gym because it brought a sense of normalcy for me. I also have invested in the chiropractor and deep tissue massages to help alleviate my pain. Working at a desk job has brought additional challenges and I have had to learn the importance of mobility.

It's a time for love and compassion. With the global spread of COVID-19 and racism, now is a time to show love and compassion to those around you. You don't know what people are going through and the challenges they face daily. Don't be so quick to react to others based on your emotions. Rather, operate through compassion and understanding. I have seen so many families struggling and in need and giving is something that shouldn't just be done throughout the holidays, but year-round. With systematic racism and oppression in place, it takes the voices of us all to create change.

Check on your friends. Sometimes it takes more than just a simple text. Grab that phone or make a zoom call. It's definitely a time to check on your friends to make sure they're okay. I know I'm not the best at this one because I get so busy and love my alone time, but it's also important to maintain healthy friendships and if you feel those friendships are worth keeping, then take the time out to maintain communication and check-in.

Start that passion project. So I am notorious for having great ideas, but never bringing them to life. This year I have definitely changed that. By updating my website and blogging more to starting my podcast, Open Table Podcast (available on podcast streaming platforms). This was a project that I started by myself and have seen it grow and gain listeners. It is a lot of work doing a podcast alone, however, it is doable if you have the will to do it. Do let fear stop you from achieving your goals. I heard someone tell me to go into scared. Just do it. That's what I want to remind you of. Start that podcast, launch that business, whatever it may be.

You can't force anything. Whew child. I really had to learn that you can't force anything. Things will happen in due time. That doesn't mean you can't take the necessary steps to get you closer to your goal, however, I mainly want to focus on relationships. You can't force a relationship. You can't force or convince someone to see your worth. I've tried it, and let me tell you, it doesn't work. It leaves hurt and disappointed. You shouldn't have to prove your worth or constantly question why someone hasn't taken the serious steps to commit to you. Leave those situations and give yourself the love, affection, and attention you deserve. People come and go, but the people that are meant to be in your life will be there.





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