The idea of talking in front of someone who plays a role in your future is quite daunting. But there is a specific reason why certain programs or jobs perform interviews. You may look great on paper, but what are you really like in person? Are you who you say you are? Do you have a personality that works for them? Are you what they are really looking for?
These are some of the questions a committee may be wondering which is why they invite you to the interview. The biggest reason is this: To get to know you more!
Sometimes an interview may make or break your chances of getting the job or position you want. The best thing you can do is to prepare! I have had a few interviews and also mock interviews over the past few years and I will say that I have definitely improved and can say that I interview very well. Here is why (take notes):
1. I remain calm and have a peaceful/warm and welcoming spirit. Not everyone is the same. I will say that no matter the situation, I do my best to remain calm. If there is an interruption during an interview or I stumble over my words, just pause, think and try again.
2. I take my time (but don't take all day). If you don't know the answer to a certain question, it is TOTALLY OKAY to tell the interview you need to think for a second (not for 5 minutes). This shows that you aren't just talking and have the perfect answer for everything. It shows that you really take the time out to think before taking action and is a good quality to have no matter what field you go into.
3. Eye contact. I know it probably makes you uncomfortable, but eye contact is key. I've been practicing this skill since high school and have learned to use it well. Look the interviewer in the eye as you talk but it is okay to glance over in a different area of the room as you are speaking (just don't look distracted). Eye contact is not only a great way to show you are paying attention, but it also (in my opinion) has a power to it).
4. Speak eloquently. It is very easy to get tongue-tied especially when you are already nervous enough! When you are speaking during an interview, be sure to pay attention to your body and the way you engage in the conversation. This should be a conversation between you and the interviewer. If you find yourself talking too fast, just slow down. You need to be very self-aware and pay attention to the interviewer's body language and facial expressions. That will tell you a lot (unless they have a good poker face, which happens!).
5. Mock Interviews. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS practice a mock interview. Also, practice before your mock interview. You want to go into a mock interview like its the real thing. I believe I did 3-4 mock interviews before my real interview. I took detailed notes on what I needed to improve and because of that, I did even better with the next mock interview. Keep practicing until you feel confident.
6. Think of possible questions they will ask. Find some commonly asked questions and make your bullet list answers (short to the point)
7. Have your questions ready. Asking good questions can really make you stand out. It shows your interest and that you went above and beyond to do your research and find more information that wouldn't be on the website.
8. CONFIDENCE! Have confidence in yourself! Have confidence in God! Do not come off as conceded, but confidence will get you a long way, even if you don't feel it at the moment. Interviewers are watching and taking note of you and your behavior.
9. Take notes during your interview. Bring a notepad or pretty much anything nice that you can write on. When you ask your questions, write what they say, nod in agreement, and maintain eye contact. I know it sounds like a lot, but practice makes perfect.
10. Be ON TIME! I've had my own experience with being late for an interview and I felt terrible! But this does not mean there is no hope. Make sure you stay in contact with the interviewer and inform them that you are running late and on the way. There is no need to lie. Be honest (don't makeup something like a car accident). In order to avoid being late, I recommend leaving SUPER EARLY! Not only that, but the day before the interview, practice driving to the CORRECT location, pay attention to all of the details they sent, and make sure you are at the right place to avoid any mistakes. Take a look at the forecast and make sure you give yourself enough time to get there in case the weather is bad. I'm telling you this simply because I've lived it!